Всем привет-привет!
Почему привет двойной? Потому что с вами здороваюсь не только я, Питерская любительница АТСок, но и одна замечательная мастерица из Австрии.
Итак, сегодня мы заглянем в гости к Сьюзи. Усаживайтесь поудобнее и читайте интервью.
3. What style are you doing? What topics do you usually used to create your cards?
Почему привет двойной? Потому что с вами здороваюсь не только я, Питерская любительница АТСок, но и одна замечательная мастерица из Австрии.
Итак, сегодня мы заглянем в гости к Сьюзи. Усаживайтесь поудобнее и читайте интервью.
1. Tell us a little about yourself
My name is Susi Pichler (nickname: froebelsternchen) and I am from Austria. Born in Vienna in 1963 I live in the countryside (Lower Austria) with my supportive husband, my 11 years old daughter Julia and two Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs.
For about 20 years I was a bookseller in different viennese bookstores and had always have creative hobbies like knitting,
crochet, papermache and silk painting. In 2003, as my daughter was 2 years old, I found a big forum via internet for parents about kids crafting.
I was so touched by the kids-crafting, that in 2005 a book about crafting with little kids was co-published with me in the german Frech- Verlag.
At the same time I began with my rubber stamping hobby and in 2008 I got addicted to creating Artist Trading Cards with rubber stamps, paper and inks.
I was published in an austrian Scrapbooking Magazin and
I love to blog out my hobby on my blogspot-blog. I am in the design team from:
http://funwithatcs.blogspot.com/ , challenge me and other artist with me monthly http://art-journal-journey.blogspot.com/ and the newest baby from me and my artist friends is the two weekly challenge http://moo-mania.blogspot.com/
2. What do ATCs mean to you?
The ATCs got very important to me, because it is so versatile. I can try a new technique on it quickly.
Most important is that I trade my ATCs with my internet friends all over.
We show our ATCs on our blogs and in our forums. We learn from each other and find special friends by our common hobby.
That is the best inspiration for me -for art and for heart!
Since two years we make collaborative ATCs organized in one of our germanspeaking forums, this are collaborative ATCs where a person starts working on it, then passes it to the next artist, and so on. During 2011 we made 1300 such JAM ATCs together .
3. What style are you doing? What topics do you usually used to create your cards?
I mainly make so called "NON CUTE" ATCs with rubberstamps and Collage Elements and the topics are mostly found in our forums.
We choose a theme togehter and make Swaps and kettings and I also join in Art -Challenge -Blogs all over the internet.
My favourite topics are nature, people and life !
I love to make Art Journaling with rubber stamps and Collage Elements and try to make Journaling in old books ( Altered Book Art)
4. What style / technique / topic would you like to learn in the future?
I want to learn more about Mixed Media Techniques and watercolor-painting in the future to incorporate new techniques into my artwork.
What I mostly like on the internet is to meet like- minded crafters and artists all around the world.
5. Wishes of the participants in our blog.
I wish a lot of inspiration and muse to all followers and that you always find new ideas for your art!
Я выбрала наиболее приглянувшиеся мне АТС-работы Сьюзи.
Спасибо за новое знакомство.
ОтветитьУдалитьНадо будет по блогам побродить:)
Susi, ich freue mich total für dich, dass dein Name nun um die halbe Welt reist!
ОтветитьУдалитьDeine Kunst ist einfach gigantisch
Ja, liebste Susi, ich schließe mich Wibsche voll und ganz an. Auch ich bin eine große Bewunderein Deiner Kunst. Siehste und hier kann ich auch nur über "antworten" kommentieren.
УдалитьI'm so proud of you Susi. That's really great!
ОтветитьУдалитьI also love your style, you know it.
Here they show great works of art from you.
очень интересно!
ОтветитьУдалитьEin super Interview! Wie schön, mehr über dich und deine Kunst zu erfahren! Liebe Grüße, Claudia xx